How to hold time on money

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Creating your personalized-webliving-savings.

What for ?

For keeping cash reserves into free dynamic production. For allowing the accumulation of TimeStock on your money parcels. 10€/each Owndated Webquantum in your cash-account_web-impulsed. Your digital savings organized in cells of cash  production for cash-sharing-cash results.

Is the thing so useful ?

Well you can balance by weighting :

- you get a prime for your savings capacity, one growing time quantity ;
- you get a registered and accounted property for each of yours creations ;
- you keep cash making cash results and capital gains from savings.

Is that enought ?

Not realy, because how and when do I touch my cash results keeping my savings ?

Every day at 12 o'clock New York local time.

Where is the fixing of day results ? Are the results webcashmatic for me ?

Yes, indeed.

At T.O.M., The Timestock_Owndated_Market.

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