Showing posts with label Google Cloud Platform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Cloud Platform. Show all posts


15. Should a CBDC pay interest? If so, why and how? If not, why not?

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Filipe's answer :

A CBDC has not to pay interest.

Because the interest rate (2%/day/365 daily payed) is use only to be transformed in a shared generator of cash results, with individualized times at production and a WUW's algorithm for the aplication of daily results upon UUS$$ digital objects with capital gains for everybody owners.

These capital gains are prefered to the attraction of an interest rate which mechanics is inflationary as knone.

In fact the phrase "A CBDC has not to pay interest" is used because in the preconized design for the US Fed's CBDC the people's action over money date-valuation provoque a capital flow growing atraction in shifting asset process conducting to digital objects property asset in digital savings ownership registered .
And in this shift asset process, the interest rate is used a purpose of production, going to the real target which is to make happen "capital gains" and "capacity to multiply" in liquid phase, fertilizing some dinamized cash to produce much more cash .That sprouts ing as an output for people using data-valuation as an investment substitute.

And in this shift asset process, the interest (preconized to be fixed for good at day a day payable rate of 2%/day/365) is used, at Fed's anchor [The Universocial Sovereign Anchor],  as motor of production  , going to the real target which is to make happen "individual capital gains" and "individual capacity to multiply" cash-in-much-more-cash both two outcomes to be applied each day (at T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market 12:00 New York local hour) as new type of remuneration for persons using data-valuation creating "digital savings" giving substance by Fed's authorized digital dollars on legal tender.

Now in my opinion the CBDC of US Fed's should no pay interest by the fact that the payment of interest is an inflationary pratice which main objective effect grows in direct proportion with the rates grow and it application durability. Also introducing a parameter with determination of conjunctural evaluation and therefore of uncertain reach in volume in reason of the dose only approximate.

In my proposed construction design for US Fed's CBDC the thing is treated as follow :

A - Application of a recipe to produce capital gains from interest at a forever decided by Fed's fixed rate ;
B - Determination on the WUW's algorithm on it application policy with rules for the applicaion of the cash results produced ;
C - Creation of a time market, whose first would be The T.O.M.;
D - Use of Google Cloud Platform computacionall and techno-structural service inside of WUW's algorithm including solution for self feeded perenity in running costs,  to achieve an app like PSH-Personal Savings Helper (Android's & WUW's deal) able to give folks a free motor to help them to better perform in their economic activity. It would be the on WUW's service of personalized BPaaS.

The all above, justify the substancial terms but yet without wiki definitions :
#cashkeeping phase ;
#owndated webquantum ;
#digital savings ;
#webcashmatic mode ;
#webtaxmatic mode
and a set of terms to explain the upgraded Economy 4G3W.

At the end, my construction allows my offer to the US Fed through #Googledepending of my final project worked by Google in it standars if so could by also for W3C and for US Admnistration.


Why a quantum algorithm to work the 4 parts of the money

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Because money is a representation of value and the use you make of it depends on your better or worse, your greater or lesser economic performance: then squeezing all the elements of money to maximize your resource to suit the economic situation and dynamics became the objective of the so-called data-valuation practice, #datevaluation or linking money-to-money for much-more-money as the first investment substitute but riskfree.

Yes, because without the algorithm for the proper treatment and without the link to the composition and calculation power of the Google Cloud Platform itself, with the availability of indispensable quantum computing in terms of understanding the path of on-line evolution, it would not be within people's reach resolve the 4 parts of the money (monetary, financial, spiritual and taxmatic freedom) to one's own advantages.
In fact, without the power of quantum calculation on the one hand and adding other powers of calculation and treatment of individualized compounds that can be sincronized by Google Cloud and without the data-valuation algorithm of money on the other hand, neither to the USA FED It is possible to solve with rigor the fixing of the interest rate and the need for parametric anticipation as fertilizers on the right path to Universe Welfare.

For you, for folks and for me too, the whole advantage is the juice #webcashmatic every 24 hours with #webcashmatic freedom. Just you have to create your personalized digital savings by Do-G-Phone #googledepending speaking to T.O.M. The Time Owned Market to you make capital gains if you like to sell time contained into your personalized savings.


Where do you go with your identity at WUW's Ledger ?

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I'm going to reach an enlarged economic space, upgrading the Classic Economy, where I'm welcome to satisfy my needs and wants by automatic extraction of resources from infinite wealths hereby onto Internet.

It is about the individual use of an economic practice to produce from liquid money and keeping it liquid in its own domain, achieving for each person :
1 - production of force to save money without straining;
2 - production of ability to multiply money without playing;
3 - production of capital gains over cash without risking;
4 - production of financial power without offending.
Everything should result in individual Well-Being as a means to achieve Universe Good.
The money valuation practice (#data-valuation or #datevaluation) is available to anyone as a foreverfree public service under identity registration.

Datevaluation is your practice of creating digital savings through the PSH-Personal Savings Helper app that provides your personal webcashaccount for management and general evaluation and the algorithm and allows the automation of your Business Process as a Service running on the Google Cloud Platform.

In the datevaluation process you create digital savings allocating money to cash production and to receive cash proceeds. You can revert at your money at any time.

All or 100% of the daily production is split every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time at The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market, at a ratio of 80% for holders of monetary production cells determined by the smart contract algorithm, 15% for holders of technical operating structures and 5% for Authoring.


Towards digital savings

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(Do You ?)I like light-up OLED Tattoos to advance on my original concept of predictive industry of bio products for location under-human-skin-smart-screens . As my publication on "Santa Clara Mousephone 4G3W on November 2006.

By the way it may be real the Under-Human-Skin screen for Do-G-Phones 4G3W.
Please ask Google to overcome with the launch of "under-skin-bank-financial-power" for the money datevaluation.
Giving people the opportunity to start making the Economy 4G3W running personalized BPaaS through dynamic Google Cloud Platform structure.


I'm sick of investment offers

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I'm sick of investment offers.
In this, in that. And nowadays then, with crypto, it all seems like bad perfume.

No and no. I don't want to invest. What I would like that would be yes, allocate money to seek profit but:
- I would like my money to remain cash at my disposal;
- I would like to assume no risk and be able to return from my profit-seeking action without in any case losing any money;
- I would like to understand the scope of my economic gesture, follow the development of my quantified performance, earn cash and received money by Internet, all taxes paid;
- I would like to be able to eventually multiply my money
thanks to its own fertility and being able to occur every day;
- I would like the money that I would accept to dispose of in search of profit, that it gain value so that I can assert and offer to the market my valued money.

Under these conditions as a minimum, yes I would be happy to access offers to direct my money and safely improve my banking-finance power.

Hey Google come to the aid of the vast majority of people around the world who are fed up with the exaggerated pollution around investment offers.

Look at Google, there is a solution: the datevaluation of the money in the form of one-click-motor-for-savings.
An app called "PSH-Personal Savings Helper" that you Google, you could build at Android and let it load for free at Play Store;
Anyone should only register for free and at no cost to WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. Here the registered person will gain the quality "Datevalors (person legitimized to practice the date valuation of the money, that is to say, person entitled to create digital savings" will receive a unique code to "download" his staff " one-click-motor-for-savings "from Play Store.

Now when the person loads the PSH app it triggers the smart contract which describes the automatic procedure to make him cash profits with daily results application at 12:00 local New York.

It is basically a matter of leading a flow of money to the FED and share USAnchor (1 trillion US$) on production of interest as a commodity (IaaC).
Production is organized and 80% of daily results are applied every day under the conditions of "WUW's Smart Contract" which each person holds in Business Process as a Service (BPaaS).
This BPaaS is provided by Google Cloud Platform under WUW protocol and the USA Administration.
The so-called "Owndated Webquantum" digital savings plots are the property of the creators and are the fulcrum of legal relations which allow money to be distributed at random since its origin is the result of a production (separation of the definition gambling).
The notion of "digital savings" originates when time is incorporated (the moment of the decision with creation of the Datevalors economic agent) into a financial charge.
This will make it possible to establish the results according to the spell and then the quantification according to the date of creation of the O.W. always singular.
And etc, etc.

Here are friends how we can guarantee execution with results in cash for everyone. Flawless and without risk of loss to anyone.

So Google, do you decide to implement  it ?


Is Google essential to let folks create digital savings ?

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No. But in fact... yes. Yes.

Not because there are other service providers on the cloud; but rather, because of the predictable quality of the Google cow's uterus to foster, lead and deliver specific economic well-being in the way of each person.

Datevaluation is the action of creating digital savings. 

This new economic practice adds a resource of substitute of investment to the Classic Economy, allowing to obtain capital gains maintaining the availability of the liquid phase of the money only reversibly while, assigned for the creation of digital savings.

And if you have to combine technologies to generate growth it's better if you can download your app PSH-Personal Savings Helper and achieve by webcashmatic mode the resources to cover your needs and wants. By WUW's BPaaS using Google Cloud Platform.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Ask Google and US Administration to deal for one-click-for-digital-savings

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You can invest from any currency (more than half from the US $), from cryptocurrencies (there are more than 2,000 more or less similar, more or less different), from digital currency issued by CBDC central banks, from exchanges and exchanges, but always to invest it is necessary to separate from the more or less liquid phase of the payment method used to acquire the production factors appropriate to the investment.

And to separate yourself from the liquid phase at the time of payment, it is necessary to pull resources.

In the world of free economy, Markets work according to people's interests and it is necessary to motivate them so that they pull resources and can attend to payment acts (consumption and investment) and the immobilization necessary to create reserves (savings).
Then the Markets are intertwined between taxation and other Political Economy regulations and financial agents (mainly central banks and the general banking system, insurers and insurers, risk classifiers, sellers of state bonds and other liquidity seekers, social funds, investment funds) and an endless number of creators-speculators-managers of a wide variety of financial instruments more or less adapted to the solution and supply of liquid assets
necessary for investment by States, large multinationals and provisions for filling the big gaps or imbalances resulting from the hunch of the economy (examples of the hunch of the economy: implementation of political programs, social temperatures, fashions and passions).

The liquid phase is always the market preference.

For people too. And when we decide to separate from the liquid phase and we are going to invest, then we think about the difficulties of controlling, guiding and thinking about the risks of losing or the difficulties of liquidating if we have to deal with the disease or the lack of peace.
And we abandoned the idea of ​​investing, letting who knows and who can control it. We people are self-excluded as investors and cannot get rich.
We then turn to the savings and deliver resources for the benefit of others, until we see maybe we achieve an income that overcomes inflation. Poor taste in the mouth after a while the liquid means lose strength, despoiled by the banking system or even by government bonds.
People, we can only consume. And there goes our means as a whole.

But the worst is that: can an economy work when people are limited to the gesture of consumption?

The practice of the money datevaluation is the salvation of the economy and ensures the well-being of each one of us.

Because anyway, it is not so difficult to give people the opportunity to use an investment substitute. That does not contain risk. That produces capital gains for certain enrichment. That allows me to revert to my liquidity at all times.
That gives you a daily multiplicative capacity. Let it be simple and with webmatic counters. Let it be like What Apps, free and effective.
Yes, we will use Google Cloud Platform to build each of us, our own BPaaS.
It is just a matter of setting the date (@timestamp) of the 10.- US $ that we have allocated to constitute each quantum of digital savings.
And because they are digital objects of our creation, they are individual financial properties.
And because they are dated on the web and guided by the hunt for free production factors abundant on the Internet, I can never do what you do nor you can do what I do.
The digital savings properties are unique. All.
Like the grounds. If I want yours, I have to pay you to your satisfaction.

The Time Market was born, contained in your digital savings. It's webtaxmatic.

Ask Google and USAdministration to deal for one-click-motor for -savings.


What if Google Cloud Platform delivered to USA FED a growing river of cash stream, coming from internet source feeded by 1 trillion of humains creating digital savings ?

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This monetary transfusion purifies the currency of the United States of America before any other and all just by implementing a fourth economic practice that humanity yearns for. 
Take a look hereby. Make some clicks too and think about your #personalis internet pecunia.


When do you put production factors internet into your money ?

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Yes because Internet gives you the freedom to make better economic actions. Yes you can use Internet webdynamics factors to make cash results every day.

Which is key : the creation of digital savings. 

Before in Classic Economy you were limited into 3 options to drive your money and make your life : 

- Option for a consumption gesture ; 
- Option for a saving gesture ; 
- Option for an investment gesture. 

 As the lak of compatibility between the 3 gestures provoque neither feeling contrariety because when you spend, you don't save neither invest ; when you save, you don't invest neither spend ; when you invest, you don't spend neither save. 

To resolve now you have a fourth option in Economy 4G3W : 

 - Option for a datevaluation gesture. 

To make a datevaluation you have to go WUW The Webcash Universocial Web where you get for free your "P.S.H.-Personal Saving Helper" app. It serves you for the creation of "digital savings" units.
Each $US 10,-/ 1 O.W. goes and run on Internet using Google Platform to be linked for production work sharing the Universocial Sovereign Anchor production at US Fed. 

When you share production with your digital savings, you get the right to share the cash results applied on smart contract basis each day at 12:00. 
All the results are distributed in mode "webtaxmatic" because to enjoy in freedom your cash results USTreasury retains all taxes dues. 
First by random then by seniority your digital savings may get multiplied results for you, each day. If not by random cause, older digital savings are prefered by the market "The Timestock Owned Market" where you may deal your digital savings properties making capital gains. 


Who can adapt to create Google S $ S

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Yes, who can be the co-creators engineers working along the lines of Google and with the means provided by Google Cloud Platform with costs paid by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web.

Is it a challenge from the author of the 4G3W Economy?


And what is there to do?

2 applications to value the money.

A- "Personal Webcashmotor Simulator" to simulate and understand the usefulness of the investment substitute;
B- "Personal Savings Helper" to start and continue the free practice of money valuation.

And what else is there to do?

To assign and make compatible the "webcashmatic" mode of results and the "webtaxmatic" mode of personal liberation from taxation, the whole maintaining the net phase of the digital savings of its creators.

And is there more to sharing copyrights?

Yes, the most profitable for Google S $ S Creative Engineers is the development of software for the time market. Yes, selling time in a Savings Market is all the more useful the older you are.

Are there older and younger savings?

Yes in Economy 4G3W. For the dynamic savings in it, thanks to personalized creations of unique digital objects and with intelligent reward with counting and attributing value to antiquity.

Something more for Engineers challenged to collaborate?

Yes and no.

Yes, because it is necessary to create the link mechanisms between [WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, the W3C consortium, Google-Google S $ S,
the US Admnistraçao-FED and the T.O.M. The Time Owned Market] the whole subject to permanent control of the results "webcashmatic" and the automatic tax release of TIGTA for "webtaxmatic" freedom.
Not because it is contained in creations in good faith to serve humanity.
Win shared copyrights


Multiplicative capacity instead of interest on Google's Cloud Platform handling

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In Economy 4G3W, with the creation of digital objects Owndated Webquantums, the creator becomes owner instead of lender.
The advantage is achieved through the use of the free application (Personal Savings Helper) enabling each person to the economic free practice of the money datevaluation. A practice that can be added to the 3 known practices of the Classical Economy to improve the personal economic yield allowing to operate with the money in four different ways:
Either spent it, or saving it, or investing it, or datevaluating it.
You got it : on Economy 4G3W you extend resources with datevaluation to better perform.

Your digital creations, your properties O.W. are registered at the WUW's ledger and timestamped with the creation moment. These digital objects are piped by the Google Cloud Platform and accommodated into the Universocial Sovereign Anchor to start sharing the organized cash production, taking the right to share the cash results applied each 12:00 at the T.O.M..

Your personalized digital savings handling


Do you make money datevaluation ? How fo you feel ?

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 Goog, very good.
 Ah... how is it, tell me...

 Well I put US$ 30,- to create 3 digital OWs. I receive the flash of my webcashaccount where I can see the 3 propertiesand I create. I like the thing, because I'm sharing a cash production to share cash results every 12:00 NYork time.
 Thirty dollars for the creation of digital objects ?
 Yes because with my 3 OWs I get US$ 30,- in digital savings at my webcashaccount.
  Thirty to thirty, what's the advantage.
 There is a secret...
 Bah...secret...what thing may it be ?

 You can't find, because it's so motherly that you can not guess ...
 It may be an italien Pizza !
 Cheers ! Quite find it, but no. It's a Google pregnant cow.
 Madonna Santa Barbara...a Google pregnant cow !
 My Google cow feeds me with cash money from her tits.
 It's a miracle then...
 Not a all. Datevaluation and Economy 4G3W are creations of my Personal Savings Helper. Then my digital savings receives safe treatements on Google Cloud Structure for FED's gestation of cash results. Any of my digital properties may multiply cash results every day at 12:00 at the T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market at New York.
And when I don't multiply I ask capital gains for my savings timestock. Look :
 How do you do that ?


Building #datevaluation for folks well being part of what’s next with Google Cloud Platform

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Instance : Webcashmotor 4G3W Simulator
Filipe AlvesFerreira from Author has to shift in developer looking for colaborators.
Permissions for project "Linking money by DoG-Phone" according Cloud IAM.
